A European Perspective on Engaging and Supporting Civil Society Organisations in Local Territorial Development


In an inter-connected world, having strong interdependencies, the transfer of know-how represents a blueprint for development. In a transition from global to local, in order to stimulate the challenges of local development, it is paramount to understand how to act, to connect civ­il society with local authorities, and to create a dynamic and multi-stake­holder dialogue. Development at the local level could lead to a more en­gaged civil society and more predictable governance from the local au­thorities; for example, developing a comprehensive set of policies could contribute to a food-secure population, but also tackle issues related to transparency and accountability.

Read more: “A European Perspective on Engaging and Supporting Civil Society Organisations in Local Territorial Development”, in V. Bevanda (Ed.), EMAN Conference Proceedings, Volume 7, 2023, pp. 129-139.

A European Perspective on Engaging and Supporting Civil Society Organisations in Local Territorial Development

In an inter-connected world, having strong interdependencies, the transfer of know-how represents a blueprint for development. In a transition from global to local, in order to stimulate the challenges of local development, it is paramount to understand how to act, to connect civ­il society with local authorities, and to create a dynamic and multi-stake­holder dialogue. Development at the local level could lead to a more en­gaged civil society and more predictable governance from the local au­thorities; for example, developing a comprehensive set of policies could contribute to a food-secure population, but also tackle issues related to transparency and accountability.

Read more: “A European Perspective on Engaging and Supporting Civil Society Organisations in Local Territorial Development”, in V. Bevanda (Ed.), EMAN Conference Proceedings, Volume 7, 2023, pp. 129-139.